Record Detail

Daul Maria Fatima. 2015. Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Problem Solving
Terhadap Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah Matematika Berbasis Soal Cerita
Pada Siswa Kelas IV SDI Tal Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015. Skripsi program studi
Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar STKIP Santu Paulus Ruteng. . Pembimbing: (1)
Valeria Suryani Kurnila, M.Pd.Si, (2) Fransiskus Nendi, M.Pd.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan
yang signifikan kemampuan memecahkan masalah matematika berbasis soal cerita
antara siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan metode problem solving dan siswa
kelas yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan metode konvensional.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif kerena dalam penelitian ini
lebih menekankan fenomena-fenomena objektif dan dikaji secara kuntitatif. Desain
penelitian yang peneliti gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain Tru-Experimental
dengan menggunakan bentuk pretest dan posttest group design. Dalam desain ini,
terdapat dua kelompok dipilih secara random kemudian diberi preteste untuk
mengetahui keadaan awal adakah perbedaan antara kelompok eksperimen dan
kelompok kontrol. Hasil pretest yang baik apabila nilai kelompok eksperimen tidak
berbeda secara signifikan.
Hal ini terbukti dari nilai pretes dari kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol
masih dibawah rata-rata yaitu 34, hal tersebut disebabkan karena guru sering
menggunakan metode konvensional dalam proses pembelajaran. Setelah peneliti
mengajar dengan menggunakan metode problem solving di kelas eksperimen dan
menggunakan metode konvensional di kelas kontrol, kemudian diberi test akhir atau
posttes pada kedua kelas, terlihat jelas bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif dan
signifikan penggunaan metode problem solving terhadap kemampuan memecahkan
masalah belajar matematika materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilagan bulat pada
siswakelas IV SDI Tal. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan rata-rata nilai kelas eksperimen
setelah diberi postest yaitu 78, sedangkan kelas kontrol 63. Selain itu, hal tersebut
juga dibuktikan denga hasil pengujian hipotesis thitung > ttabel, sehingga hipotesis
(H0) ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan
memecahkan masalah matematika siswa yang menggunakan metode problem solving
lebih tinggi dari pada kemampuan memecahkan masalah siswa yang menggunakan
metode konvensional.
Kata kunci : metode Problem solving, Kemampuan memecakan masalah,
matematika, soal cerita.
Daul Maria Fatima. 2015. The influence of functioning the ‘Problem Solving
Method’ toward the Mathematic’s Problem solving based on the Story
Telling Problem on the IV class of the Tal Elementary School in
academic year 2014/2015. Supervisors : (1) Valeria Suryani Kurnila,
M.Pd. Si, (2) Fransiskus Nendi, M.Pd.
The purpose of this research is : to know whether or not there is any
significant difference in the ability in mathematics problem solving based on the story
telling problem among the students taught by using the problem solving method and
the students from the class taught with the use of the conventional method.
This research looks qualitative since in this research is more stressing on
the objective phenomena and discussed in quantitative manner. The research design
used by the research is a true-experimental design with the use of pretest form and the
post test grouped design. In this research, there are two groups chosen in random,
then were given with the pretest to know the early condition on whether or not there
was any difference between the experimental group and that of the controlled one.
The result of the pretest was said to be good when the scores of the experimental
group had no difference, significantly.
This was proven right from the scores of the pretest from the experimental
and the controlled classes being under the average score of 34. That matter was
caused by teacher’s who often use the conventional method in learning process.
After the researcher taught by functioning the problem solving method in the
experimental class and used conventional method in the controlled one, then were
given with the final test or the post test to both classes, it was clear that there was
positively significant influence from the use of problem solving method toward upon
the ability in mathematics problem solving in a matter of counting and subtraction of
the ‘round number’ at the IV class students of the SDI Tal. materi penjumlahan dan
pengurangan bilagan bulat pada siswakelas IV SDI Tal. It was proved by the average
score from the experimental group class after being given with the post test, that was
78; while the controlled class was 63. Beside that, that matter was also proved with
the hypothetical test result tcounting > ttable, that the hypothesis (H0) was rejected
and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Therefore, the ability of the
students in solving the mathematic problem with the use of the problem solving
method of teaching was higher than the ability in problem solving by the students
who used the conventional method.
Key word : Problem solving method, ability in solving problem, mathematics, story
problem /story test item
KKIPGSDDauP(2015) | KKI PGSD Dau P (2015) | My Library (Lantai I) | Available |
Detail Information
Series Title |
Call Number |
KKI PGSD Dau P (2015)
Publisher | : ., 2015 |
Collation |
133P;ilus; 21x30 cm
Language |
Classification |
Content Type |
Media Type |
Carrier Type |
Edition |
Subject(s) |
Specific Detail Info |
Statement of Responsibility |
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